
It makes me happy you're interested in my work!
If you want to request a commission you have to read this first!


✦My entire price list is in USD✦The payment is only via PaypalPayment comes first✦Payments can be split in halfs, but keep in mind that I will start your commission when the payment is complete.Be clear about what you want. There is no problem if your description is extense, have your references ready too!✦I do not make commissions in the order of payments! But don't worry, I will have your commission ready.You are not allowed to earn money through my art or take the credit for it.Don't try to remove my signature from the illustration! In that case I will take it into account the next time you want a commission.✦Once the sketch process is approved, you cannot cancel!✦You can make up to 2 changes in the sketch process, but big changes mean an extra cost, after this changes are not accepted. (Unless I forgot something)✦Be patient! Just like you, I am a person and I also have other responsibilities, avoid sending daily messages!✦My native language is not English, so avoid colloquialisms or abbreviations when you're
requesting your commission.
✦You have every right to request Wips from every process.✦I reserve the right to reject your order if I do not feel comfortable.✦Avoid asking me to copy the exact same pose from another artist


Mechas and Super detailed armor or suits
Extreme Fetishes
Underage characters
Feral Characters

⭑✦About Animation Loops Commissions✦⭑

✦The number of characters is limited to two.✦Avoid characters with complex design patterns✦Unlike the rest of the commissions, the animations may take a little longer, keep this in mind if you are thinking of requesting one!

⭑✦About Mini-comics Commissions✦⭑

✦If the payment is made in halves, I will make the sketches of the corresponding pages✦The waiting time for comics is approximately 1 to 3 months depending on the number of pages.